This map shows our location in the Heart of Normandy. To obtain directions, simply click on the link in the second point on the map for Saint-Jacques-de-Néhou and type in your starting point (to avoid a dead end!). If travelling by ferry, enter your destination port, e.g. Cherbourg. The directions will then be displayed on this page for you.
Once you have reached Saint-Jacques-de-Néhou take the small road near the Bar Tabac. Continue along this road until you get to a junction (with a small farm opposite) where you will need to go straight over following a lane signposted La Rabatterie.
Continue past a house on your left (La Rabatterie) until the road surface changes from tarmac to gravel on a gradual bend to the right. The gravel lane descends for about 1 km to Le Pont D’Albart.